Formula 1 VPN-Suomi


Hurry up to be calm. Artist Daniel Brient

27.09.2014, lingengcong

Artist Daniel Brient, Montreal, Quebec, Canada1

If you want to appease the mind, stop fighting with your thoughts. Leave them alone. Let them think whatever they want. They will still do it. Until such time as your mind allows you the way to go in the direction you have chosen, do not worry about your thoughts.


If you are looking for reconciliation with their emotions, stop all attempts to bring them under control. Feelings are feelings. Let them feel. As needed take information from them and let them feel that they want.


If you want the physical world and the rest, stop the struggle of life. Do not force the body to step over the threshold of fatigue. Let your body enough rest. Train it, then leave it alone. Do not ask him to play the role of physical perfection as you want to order.


If you want to live in peace with others, to stop the war with them. Live as you like, my life. If someone is walking next to you, good. If you have some time to step out alone, even better. If you do, somewhere, I do not like, go from there. Create your inner paradise.

All of the above does not mean that you have to love what is happening around.
The Bible says: ”And vozlyazhet lion beside the lamb,” but does not say that the lion must love lamb.
trying to feed the sheep meat and lion hay you lose a huge amount of energy is good luck and health. If you know in advance that fate has prepared you to recline next to the fate of the lamb, bring a good book. This will take you, and you feel in your soul bitterness against the lamb, you do about it will not think. If you are in peace with yourself and others, then you are in the world. Peace be with you. Be calm.


Hurry up to be calm

The sooner you become calm, the easier it will be your life. When you are calm, you can relax and enjoy the ride. Life has its own timetable. Although it is perfect, it is often poorly fit in with schedules written by people. Acquire the rest, as soon as is practicable. Then you will be much easier and more fun to buy anything else. And even if you do not get everything they wanted, it does not matter, because you continue to keep the peace.


Some believe that life is worth a little touch up, treat. But life does not need a doctor. She’s not sick. Confucius said: ”If you want to treat life like that, you need to be very patient,” .Nachnite with, take a deep breath – to the bottom of the abdomen. Hurry to do this until you have a free moment and you do not need to do something else. That’s it. Feel better? So comes calm.






How much joy

There is no end of joy. As well as the upper limit. It may be present regardless of what else you may feel or think and are doing. And even when you think you have experienced all the joy that can survive, you have reached your limit only, but do not limit joy. Double it. And then again double. You will find that your ability to feel joy is boundless, like the joy. Just limitless, as are you ….
(John – Roger and Peter McWilliams from the book ”Life 101”)






Georgia O’Keeffe


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