Formula 1 VPN-Suomi


Prelude Anna Vinogradova

31.12.2014, lingengcong

Stills marble body
Spicy flavor variety,
Hall, hard numb,
And fuete … And fuete …

The beat of music and flesh
In the finest vein at the temple …
Beethoven and Buonarroti –
And the world is on the tip of the nose!

And there, behind the scenes call centuries
Cherished through the door in the wall,
Hand fatigue dumb whip
Yes, a long groan back pain,

Triumph and the bitterness of the relay,
Hopeless struggle,
Success sticky candy
And treachery … And the fate …

But again – the body on bail
And again – happiness and sadness,
And disenchant sounds
And the world is on the tip of the nose!

Frederic Chopin. Prelude in E Minor (cello)

2835299_avtor (300×450, 13Kb)
Anna Vinogradova was born January 3, 1975 in Krasnodar. In 1994 he was admitted to the Yaroslavl Art School. 1996 – 2006. – Studies in the Academic Institute of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture. IE Repin on the faculties of graphics workshops Starov VG, Razdrogin IA, VA Vetrogonsky and painting (workshop led by VV Pimenov) Blokhin ND, NS Lisak, NN Repin Participated in more than 20 traveling exhibitions held in China ”Gallery art of the twentieth century” Art Centre in St. Petersburg. Participant of exhibitions ”Wanderers of the XXI century” in Russia and the European Union. His works are in private collections in Russia, the USA, Japan, the Netherlands, Germany, France and other European countries, in private collections and museums in China, museum-castle Ksiaz (Poland) and the National Gallery of Art in Prague (Czech Republic). C 2006. full member of the Association of American portraitists. Since 2008. a member of the St. Petersburg Union of Artists Roscii. 2009-2010. – Participation in the ”Repintsev” in Beijing at the Palace of Nationalities of China. In 2011. – Participation in the Moscow International Art Salon, where her work has been called ”the discovery of the year”.


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